Change is something businesses have to deal with. Whenever doing a transaction, there will be change and sometimes customers will ask for some change when they pay more than they need to. Oh wait, that’s the wrong kind of change. Businesses must adapt to the time or else they will be outdated and no one will need them anymore. Just take all the businesses you don’t know for an example. Do you know any of them? Of course not! Do you want your business to succeed or fail? If you want to be at the top, you got to be on the top of you’re game. And that’s exactly what this drink company had to do to succeed.

Grocky Turbell is the head figure at Da Ginger Ale, a hard drink company. Their business is doing well, and the locals do enjoy a good Ginger Ale from Da Ginger Ale, but Turbell was bothered by something. They were going to stay local forever! Most people don’t need a product that’s good, they need a product that’s convient. Online retailers can dish out decent products, and people are more likely to buy those because it’s easier than going out to ol Grocky Turbell’s brick and mortar store. They’re so brick and mortar they use a brick and mortar to make their drinks! Isn’t that wild? People are lazy, so the hardworking people at Da Ginger Ale are kind of outdated. The locals do really enjoy the drinks, take Ulfita Mammos for example. Mammos comes over every friday with ‘the squad’ to relax after a hard week of worth with some good drink. “I know Grocky is setting his heights higher, but I would be sad if they switched to decent products just for convience. They really are making some magic.” Turbell is facing an ethical dilemma. There is a wrong and right choice, but it is hard to figure out what to do. Even after following all the steps of resolving an ethical dilemma, Turbell was still flabbergasted and bamboozled. Everything was going to stay ambiguous, until Turbell opened up the closet in his shop.

From the closet, our favorite legend, Shroops the Mighty appears! It’s very strange how he is appearing from closets but to each his own, am I right? Shroops slept for a solid 30 minutes while Turbell attempted to wake him up, and as soon as he did Shroops made the offer. “Let’s cut to the chase. I’ll take the AL from DA GINGER ALE, and you can take your business to the next level.” The most astonishing part of this transaction is how Shroops made the move. How can the embodiment of procrastination take such actions? We are still trying to figure it out (and probably never will). Anyways, Turbell thought long and hard, and decided his answer. “Yes.” Shroops took the AL and went back into the closet. When Turbell opened the closet, he was gone! He did notice a strange kind of tunnel though. Turbell quickly changed the business name to Da E-Ginger. Instead of selling Ginger Ale, the company will now sell ginger online. What a change!

Sales were skyrocketing, the value of the business increased by at least a thousand, and Turbell went global. If you weren’t buying your ginger from Da E-Ginger, you weren’t buying real ginger. Althought Turbell basically became an overnight success, locals such as Mammos are still upset. Luckilly, Turbell still offers his ginger ale services to those dedicated patrons, but only on Fridays and weekends. During the week they focus on their online ginger business. What a happy story. In fact, I’ve already ordered some ginger from Da E-Ginger to give to Banana The Human for his next dish! It’s gonna be a great gift.

Now the most loyal of you Hecrenews readers are dying to know, what happened to Shroops? Well, it appears in his closet travels, he is preparing for something great, something huge. We do not know what it is yet, but I think I can deduce what he’s going to do with those newly gained letters. Shroops the Mighty will become Shroops the Almighty! This will make him unstoppable! But what does he need the power for? Who knows, but something big is going to happen soon.

This has been Mister Mjir, popping in and now popping out.